Starting Out!

Apparently the Mayans were correct after all. It wasn’t that they had run out of stone to carve their calendar after all. The End-of-the-World has in fact happened and there is no hope left for mankind, life as we knew it has changed (for the worse).

But fear not, as the prophecy would have it, the Mayan gods have selected a special wonderchild to survive and save the forsaken land.

Meet Xbalanque Tikal (original #wonderchild Ben DeSouza, by Cheminimal).

06-25-17_4-12-14 PM

Xbal: *achoo*

Here is the humble abode of our founder, it ended up looking more vamp-yish than I wanted, but whatevs. One sink, one grill, one toilet, one computer and one double bed. All the worst of their kind. This should be fun.

06-25-17_4-36-09 PM06-25-17_4-38-43 PM06-25-17_4-41-55 PM

Xbal here will be trying to lift the Tech Guru – eSport Gamer restriction by reaching the top of this career, so that the remaining of mankind can have TVs and Internets. Because who would want to live without them anyway.

06-25-17_4-42-55 PM

So here is Xbal wondering how in hell is he able to have access to a computer after the end of the world.

Pinstar- ahem I mean the Mayans are merciful gods. They allow him to do -only- the daily task required for his job as an Ace Engineer (he has Connections and managed to earn a job level 4).

06-25-17_4-46-55 PM

Xbal: “I will be inventing *the Facebook* for sure.”


06-25-17_4-47-51 PM

A couple of lovely young ladies walked past his house.

Do not look at them like that Xbal, they’re only teenagers.

06-25-17_4-48-31 PM

Xbal: “Your hairstyle reminds me of the Disco-era, and I don’t even know what that is!”

06-25-17_4-52-06 PM

Zoe: “Is he really the one chosen to save us all?”

Shut it before I end up marrying you into this challenge.

The Welcome Wagon came by later in the afternoon. But apparently they did not hear Xbal inviting them in so they left. With the delicious, and edible, fruitcake.

Later, Xbal grew hungry, and without fruitcake and/or harvestable plants nearby I realized I’m an idiot and chose a lot that has no ponds or lakes nearby.  And without fish Xbal will not be able to cook at all on the grill.

Let’s hope nobody starves before the Culinary – Chef restriction is lifted.


06-25-17_5-07-46 PM

That night Xbal went to bed hungry and bored.

06-25-17_5-10-54 PM

Day 1 into the Apocalypse Challenge and I’m beginning to think I’ve already failed. I wonder if one stack of cherries or strawberries at the time will be enough to keep Xbal, and later on his family, alive. Gah.

06-25-17_5-14-29 PM

Xbal: “Ay, ay, ay, ay, canta y no llores! Porque cantando se alegran, cielito lindo, los corazones.”

Good thing you can trick yourself into being happy by singing, Xbal. Keep it up.

06-25-17_5-33-12 PM

Xbal: “Maybe I should sing to this plant until it finally spawns something for me to eat!” *sings*

*is very effective*

Strawberry Bush: “Just go away please.”

06-25-17_5-34-02 PM

ONE!?! ONE STRAWBERRY. That barely made the hunger motive bar move!! Ugh.

Whatever, another strawberry bush gave him a stack of 7 strawberries. That should do… for now.

06-25-17_5-27-24 PM

In the afternoon, a pizza lady named Prisha walked past Xbal’s bunker.

Xbal: “Do you have any pizza for me?”

Prisha: “Did you order one?”

Xbal: “No, you see, there  are these restrictions that forbid me from ordering pizza, using a fridge AND growing my own food.”

Prisha: “Sucks to be you, man.”

Xbal: “IKR.”

Prisha and Xbal seemed to really hit it off. I hope she comes and visits again, maybe with pizza?

That’s it for now! I hope you enjoyed our suffering so far.